Berkshire Yarn Mill — Story Slam: The Last One Left

Event Date:
August 8, 2022
Event Time:
8:00 pm
Event Location:
There was only one more. Doesn’t matter what it was.
Sure, it might have been that last slice of pizza that you KNEW you should have saved for your little brother.
Maybe it was that funny looking runt of the litter that no one wanted and you ended up keeping and turned out to be the best furry friend (or any friend) you ever had.
Could have been that last cancer stick in the pack that made you realize how hooked you were when the thought of not being able to smoke on the way to the store to get more smokes filled you with dread.
But after that? Not a one more.
Either way, tell us a story about your experience reaching the final item in whatever category. The Berkshire Yarn Mill is just the place to spin that tale. The rules are simple:
• Must be true • Must have happened to you • No notes or props • You’ll have five minutes
Our panel of judges (Wanna be a judge? Talk to me at the event) will pick a winner, who may just go home with fabulous prizes.
Of course, The Moth is widely regarded as the authority on story slamming, and we encourage you to read their Storytelling Tips & Tricks