Berkshire Yarn Mill — Story Slam: CAUGHT in the act!

Event Date:
July 25, 2022
Event Time:
8:00 pm
Event Location:
Everybody has their secret thoughts, and desires, and…activities. Sometimes the secret is nothing embarrassing. Nothing lurid. Nothing…prurient. Sometimes, of course, it is.
But whether you got caught trying to plan a surprise birthday party or you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar (or your best friend’s cookie jar), you dearly hoped things might have worked out better for you. And that you’d leave not a crumb of evidence behind.
Or, maybe the shoe is on the other foot. Maybe it was YOUR cookie jar and you walked in on your friend…sampling your sweet confections. Maybe you wish you’d never left work early that day. After all, Ignorance is bliss, they say.
Either way, tell us a story about the debacle. The Berkshire Yarn Mill is just the place to spin that tale.
The rules are simple: • Must be true • Must have happened to you • No notes or props • You’ll have five minutes
Our panel of judges (Wanna be a judge? Talk to me at the event) will pick a winner, who may just go home with fabulous prizes.
Of course, The Moth is widely regarded as the authority on story slamming, and we encourage you to read their Storytelling Tips & Tricks.